Why would people buy many bottles of coke simply because it has their names on it? With this great marketing strategy, Coca-Cola is presently meeting a fundamental need of human beings which is the need to feel significant. The subliminal association of peoples name to a global brand gives people some form of intrinsic satisfaction, that they are significant.
But as great and laudable as this campaign is, the surest way to self-significance is through self-discovery and self-actualization. If you look inwards, you will discover that God has deposited great things in you with which you are to make use of to make the world a better place. This virtue or endowment varies differently with individuals and it basically sets you apart, it makes you unique from other humans and it ultimately defines your purpose on earth. Do you know that the virtues and unique abilities placed in you are meant to meet the needs of so many people? This thought should boost your self-esteem and level of significance.
You are very significant, God made you for a reason - Find it and fulfill it. It is very imperative that we discover these gifts and share them with the world. A well known writer and radio presenter once said, "The fastest way to kill ones purpose or dream is to keep it to one's self" rather than share it with the world. Until you discover the essence of your existence and cause your presence to make a difference, your absence will not be felt.
Here are three steps which can guide you towards self-significance:
1. Look inside yourself to see what gives you the most satisfaction.
2. Become familiar with people and places where you feel respected and valued.
3. Learn to encourage yourself. Make it a natural habit. When you don't value yourself as a person, you will not be able to recognise your strengths. When you encourage yourself, you'll become more satisfied with your life. As you begin to recognize and value your own strengths and resources, you'll start to give yourself more positive messages.
As you become more satisfied with yourself, you won't feel the need to compare yourself with others. Instead, you will note your own progress and set your own standards.
There will be times along the line where you will be faced with extreme obstacles and setbacks. They will make you give excuses to procrastinate, they will make you feel hopeless, powerless, frustrated and worst of all make you deviate from your purpose in life, but giving up is not an option. If we always look at our negative sides, we would easily forget our positive sides. God created us all for a reason, no man is without direction; you just have to find yours. Never lose focus on God's plan for your life.
I'll round up with these wise words by one of the greatest civil rights activist and preacher the world ever produced in person of Martin Luther King Jr.; If a man has not discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live. Today I make a call to you that you refuse to rest in life till the world enjoys your best.